253-993-3629 Daily 9 pm eastern
The Rosary Conference Call is dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima and her message to the world,
to pray the daily Rosary, This is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to come together to pray the
Rosary with other Traditional Catholics.
We pray daily the five decades of the rosary with the mysteries of the day including the Litany of the
Blessed Virgin Mary and other short devotions. (40 Min.) An additional ten decades are recited for those wishing to participate.
Suggestion: Please call in 5 min early, announce yourself, (first name will surfice) and if you are a first time caller, listen
to learn the format used during the rosary conference call. Individual callers, as assigned, say parts of the rosary and some additionnal prayers.
Meditations prior to the rosary and before each decade are from "True Devotion to Mary" by Saint Louis Marie DeMontfort. The prayers said and the gereral format of the
rosary devotion are located at Prayers for Rosary Conference Call
To minimize background noise during the rosary, if you are not speaking, please put your phone on mute.
Further information about the Rosary Conference Call, can be found at https://www.rosarycc.org/
Join Us in Praying the Most Holy Rosary